Wednesday, October 1, 2008

30 Dances 7

Lake Champlain in Burlington


e m p said...

hey b, i LOVE LOVE LOVE the opening. so poetic and i was drawn to the timothy (or whatever plant that is middle frame left) b/c there was the only discernable motion. When you started dancing, i found myself looking for a connection between the dancing timothy and the dancing boris -- a similarity in motion or motivation. I'm not sure I found one, but you could say both were erratic and inspired by the wind, though in truth I didn't feel any connection between your dancing and the environment --except, and this is great, a sense of aloneness and isolation from the rest of the world. A place where you can dance however you like because no one is watching. And then you make a video out of it and put it online. And turn to face us, confronting us? Acknowledging that you are not alone and there is no where you can dance unseen?

Unknown said...

Thanks E. This is one of those videos where after the fact I thought why am I moving so fast. Did not notice the movement of the plants I was watching the geese fly by top of the frame. I was in a hurry that day and I can see that in my dancing. I ran down to the pier and ran till I found a place that I liked. Thanks for commenting.